Vision Profiles’ newest department.
Now, one of the most vital and valuable services we offer our customers.
The Technical Department at Vision Profiles was created with one sole purpose;
to add the unique service of both extrusion and manufacturing support.
Headed up by Stu Hartley, our technical manager, Stu was previously our fabrication manager and worked closely with production and our customers products for 6 years in the production and fabrication centre at Vision Profiles - and his knowledge has proved in valuable in his new role.
The technical department has created an additional support network for the internal sales team, as well as being able to visit customers and offer new ideas, design and fabrication advice to improve products. In 2018, the team expanded, with technical assistant Ben Norton coming on board to assist and grow the department. Ben has proved to be a tremendous help and support in liaising with operations, suppliers and clients.
The latest addition to both the technical dept and the
abrication dept is our
Robotic arm.
The idea behind this latest investment was to improve efficiency and boost morale; everyone hated cutting parts on the auto saw, its monotonous and Stu has dreamt about having a robot for years. Someone said to him once: why get a human to do a robots job? And it’s never left me; he was right!
Robots aren’t there to replace humans, they’re there to assist. Take out the mundane and make a work place more efficient.
Aside from the assistance in design that we offer, the technical team are equipped with all relevant software necessary.
This includes; Autodesk AutoCAD 2021, Autodesk Inventor 2021 and Elusoft CNC programming system including 3D import facility. Combine this with our 3D printer, the department is well armed to facilitate. Stu is always looking to get his teeth stuck into new projects, so please don’t hesitate to contact the sales team to organise a technical visit.
The Technical department is designed to develop Vision Profiles already excellent customer care by providing assistance with technical design.
Ultimately the technical department will be responsible for all quotes as well as working with customers from the early stages of product development to provide design advice and offering solutions for any challenges they may have. Stuart & Ben will provide a link between the sales and production departments, with all three teams working cohesively to meet customer requirements, using their combined technical experience in the extrusion industry.